(*just dropped a documentation site for my ->   DSA solutions)

Open Source

MLJAR supervised


- Added _classes attribute for k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Algorithm
- Modified the KNNFit class to include the _classes attribute, providing unique classes based on the fitted model.
- Testing and Validation

slash-z Hackclub


- Improved CLI Output
- Time Formatting
- Formatted Output
- Testing and Validation



Beta Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassadors is a global initiative by Microsoft that selects a few qualified student representatives from around the world.
As the name suggests, these students act as the brand’s ambassadors,
by teaching about Microsoft technologies to their peers and community.

- I'm the community manager at Microsoft Student Community Hyderabad


(*Tap on the title to view the project)



- HacksArena is an event management application designed to streamline the organization and participation in hackathons.
- Google OAuth and GitHub Login added for easy login
- Whether you are hosting a hackathon or looking to participate, HacksArena provides a centralized platform to manage events, connect with participants, stay updated on upcoming hackathons and also write blogs to share knowledge, and get rewarded for each action make in the application.
- uses Azure postgres as the database. uses redis cache to store the cache, hosted at Link

Open source recommender

- Retrieves repository details of a GitHub user, including project name, description, programming languages, and topics.
- Searches and gathers open source projects based on user language and topic interests using the GitHub access token.
- Generates recommendations by comparing user repository details with the collected open-source projects.
- Provides a web interface using Streamlit to input user information and display recommended projects with link previews.



- Using the AdaBoostClassifier with DecisionTreeClassifier as the base estimator can be a powerful technique for solving classification problems.
- It combines multiple weak learners to create a stronger predictive model.
- Achieved score : 0.99 from 0.6
- Achieved precision : 1



- This chatbot is a machine learning-based conversational agent trained to understand and respond to user input. It utilizes a neural network model built with Keras, a deep learning library, to provide intelligent responses in natural language.
- The chatbot's functionality is based on a bag-of-words approach, where input text is processed and transformed into a binary representation of word occurrence. The training data consists of a collection of documents, with each document containing a list of words or tokens.

Blogging Website


- A Blogging Website which helps user write blogs (CRUD operations)
- A neat and simple user profile interface which helps user put his information.
- User authentication
- Tech Stack :
Frontend -> Html | CSS
Backend -> Django | Python

(*For more projects..)